State of Maine:
National Organizations:
- Palliative Care in Rural Minnesota: Findings from Stratis Health’s Minnesota Rural
- Colorado Department of Public Health: Palliative Care in Colorado: Trends, Gaps, and Opportunities to Improve Care
- NASHP - Palliative Care: A Primer for State Policymakers
- National Coalition for Hospice and Palliative Care: Clinical Practice Guidelines for Quality Palliative Care
- Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC) Palliative Care Research: Key Findings
- The Case for Hospital Palliative Care (CAPC)
- The Case for Improving Communication and Symptom Management Skills (CAPC)
- The Case for Community-Based Palliative Care (CAPC)
- Advanced Care Planning for Medicare Beneficiaries
- Coalition to Transform Advance Care (C-TAC): Advanced Care Project Report
- Trauma Informed Care: A NHPCO Resource Series
- National Academy for State Health Policy (NASHP):Palliative Care Primer for State Policymakers
- Washington State Department of Health: "Palliative Care Roadmap: A Guide for Living with Serious Illness and Conditions for Patients and Those Who Care for Them"
- "What is Palliative Care?" (Center to Advance Palliative Care)
Medical Journal and Other Publication Articles:
- CMS' Innovation Arm Signals it is Moving Toward Palliative Care, Capitation Payment Models
- Health Affairs ACP: Advanced Care Planning for Medicare Beneficiaries
- Carnegie Trusts Kindness Public Policy Hs3114 HS4120
- State Telehealth Laws and Medicaid Policies: 50-State Survey Findings
- Using Telehealth to Improve Home Based Care for Older Adults and Family Caregivers
- ReAct- Respect a Caregiver’s Time
- "What Will 2021 Bring for Hospice & Palliative Care?" Crossroads Hospice
- Baby Boom and the Growing Care Gap in Brief-AARP-ppi-ltc
- Home-Based Palliative Care Gaining Popularity
- Angus King Press Release: "Aging Gracefully: The Importance of Home Care and Hospice"
- Harvard Magazine Article: “Extra Layer of Care: The Progress of Palliative Medicine“
- Center for Advanced Palliative Care: “America’s Care of Serious Illness: Palliative Care Report“
- The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation: “10 FAQs: Medicare’s Role in End-of-Life Care“
- Center to Advance Palliative Care: “2011 Public Opinion Research on Palliative Care A Report Based on Research by Public Opinion Strategies“
- Qualifying for Social Security Disability Benefits With a Terminal Illness
- CSU Institute for Palliative Care & Care Excellence-Case Management Education”The Power of Words“Patient-goals-ebook-Front-Deja-11.7.2017
- IRA Byock- “We Must Earn Confidence in End-of-Life Comfort Care”
- Caring for the Terminally Ill Patient with a Personalized Plan
- Caring for the Terminally Ill Patient with a Personalized Plan